¿Qué tipo de helado soy?
You're Chocolate.
You embody the perfect blend of sweetness and seduction. You personality is just as luscious and irresistible as chocolate ice cream. You have a flirty, melty attitude that's easygoing and delicious. You appreciate luxurious, extravagant things, like the way ultra-soft fabrics feel against your skin. Some people want to hog you all to themselves, but you find ways to make everyone feel special.

3 comentarios:
"Some people want to hog you all to themselves, but you find ways to make everyone feel special"
jajaja, eso es tan cierto. Eres un chocolatito.
con razon es tan yica mi bella amante :3~~~~
lo mismo digo, te sienta el chocolate mujer XD, no me esperaria otro, a mi me salio vainilla ... aunque la descripcion no se si va tanto conmigo xD bueno cuidate nos vemos :D
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